North Star of Chester County


Non-Profit OrganizationsHuman Services

About Us

North Star of Chester County, formerly Interfaith Housing Assistance Corporation of Chester County, guides Chester County’s single working parents with dependent children, who are at risk of homelessness, toward stability and financial independence. We help our participant families remain in clean, safe, affordable housing as they work to secure their future through a structured program of financial assistance, mentoring and supportive services.

Single parents who stay in our program for three full years emerge stable and proudly able to provide for their families.

We are dedicated to helping an underserved portion of the population succeed: the working poor. Participants in our program are hard-working single mothers and fathers, trying to raise their families in one of the most expensive counties in the state. Working parents accepted into our program benefit from our staff’s expertise in all facets of homelessness prevention.

-Can be either single mothers or fathers with their dependent children living with them
-Can receive services for up to three years
-Can meet with our case managers after hours and on weekends, when it is most convenient for them

Receive personal financial coaching, attend workshops, and have access to services of other agencies who specialize in job skills training, free income tax preparation, savings programs, and more


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